Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reading Reflection Essay

The literary work that we discussed this week was interesting to me in so many ways. The chapters talked about different types of literature such as poems, short stories, and also novels. Throughout the reading I experience literature in a way I have never understood before. Literature restores the past, stimulates the imagination, glorifies the commonplace, evokes emotions and links feeling to thinking, upholds a vision of the ideal and reveals human nature by exploring significant human questions. I have to say I have been truly convinced. The purpose of the creative process is to give things form. Writers are artists who use words to express ideas and feelings. As a reader I had to use my imagination which is the human power that shapes artistic expression; it enables a writer’s work to become an expression of meaning in our world, and allows readers to engage in identifying with what the writer’s work has to say about things that matter. So basically we all become writer’s in a sense. When reading this paper you imagine how to feel when I found out a little more about literature. Literature allows you to read with a purpose while at the same time using the experience to connect to the writer. Literature is a creative process that begins in writers’ experiences and imaginings. Image is a distant representation of something that can be experienced and understood through the senses or the representation of an idea. Writer’s use precise language in developing images, or imagery in a literary work. Tone also plays an important part in a literary work. It identifies how the author approaches a subject and conveys it to readers. Either way we look at it as literature been a very important part of our history. We tend to use literature in everyday life. We have to search for meaning and explore literature in different aspects of been a reader or writer. We can use the Biographical/Historical approach to evaluate the meaning of a literary work. It’s the attempt to measure the extent to which the life of the author or a historical context can shape literary expression. Critics’ adopt a historical period as a context, creates characters that reflect its value, and explores trends that occur in it. William Faulker was an American writer who took this approach, creating narratives that identified values and conflicts in a historic era in the South. He created complex characters and a community that carefully mirrored life in the South and, used them as centerpieces in several of his works. You could also apply persona to this analytical approach referring to the narrator in a story or the speaker in a poem, who may or may not reflect the perspective of the author. The creativity to start a literary work is in our imagination we just have to put it down on paper. Reference: Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into Literature. San Diego, California: Bridgeport Education, Inc. https://content. ashford. edu/books Ashford Online Library.

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